Why financial advice may be your best investment It is commonly assumed that seeking financial advice is for the wealthy, and it only helps the rich become richer, yet financial advice can prove useful to anyone who wishes to better their financial future. Financial advice is like getting a health […]
Financial Planning
Three-Minute Financial Check-up
Three-Minute Financial Check-up While the standard of living is constantly improving in Australia, economic disruptions, stagnant wage growth and house prices are putting more and more people under financial stress. A recent report by the social research group, the Melbourne Institute, ‘Taking the Pulse of the Nation’, found one in […]
The unmatched value of financial advisers in the AI age
The unmatched value of financial advisers in the AI age Digital advice is a hot topic at the moment, bringing with it the debate around human financial advisers potentially being replaced by ‘robo-advisers’. A client James, called into my office last week, explaining that his daughter was using an Artificial […]
Should I pay down my mortgage or invest?
Should I pay down my mortgage or invest? It’s always a good idea to regularly check in on your financial position, whether there’s been a significant change in your financial situation or not. And for those who find themselves with spare funds, it often raises the question, “Should I pay […]
5 Common financial mistakes people make in their 40s
5 Common financial mistakes people make in their 40s The 40s are, for many people, a critical decade for building wealth. Income is usually on the rise, but so are expenses such as mortgages and school fees. Juggling priorities can be a real challenge, and mistakes made in this stage […]
Unlocking financial secrets for different phases of life
Unlocking financial secrets for different phases of life One of the keys to financial success is to adopt the right strategy at the right time. As you move through the stages of life here are some tried and tested ‘secrets’ that will help you build and protect your wealth. Teens […]
8 Common financial mistakes people make in their 30s
8 Common financial mistakes people make in their 30s Climbing the career ladder, perhaps buying a home and starting a family – the 30s are an exciting stage of life. However, the decisions made now can make a big difference to future financial wellbeing, and with so much going on […]
The fast way to a life supported by passive income
The fast way to a life supported by passive income Imagine that, without any effort on your part, enough money regularly pours into your bank account to meet (or exceed) all your living expenses. Suddenly, work becomes optional and a world of opportunities opens up. That’s the ultimate in passive […]
Financial planner or financial counsellor: Which is which?
Financial planner or financial counsellor: Which is which? Financial planner or financial counsellor: Which is which? When Sally met John, she knew it was a match made in heaven. She noticed he always paid in cash, which he said he did because he didn’t like credit cards – a sign […]
Don’t wait until your 60s to see a financial adviser
Don’t wait until your 60s to see a financial adviser Ask most 30 year olds who their financial planner is and the typical response might be ‘huh?’ After all, financial advisers are for older people with plenty of money to invest, aren’t they? Well, yes, people nearing or in retirement […]